Tips To Get More Visitors New Website

15 Proven Tips To Get More Visitors To Your New Website

Tips to get more visitors

With the use of platforms like WordPress, starting a blog is way easy than ever before but it’s hard to get more visitors to your new blog.

There are millions of blogs/websites running on this world wide web but only a few have the real traffic. If you have started your blog with a dream to get millions of visitors within a few months then you should think again.

Blogging is a long run process which requires so much time to make your blog stand. Every time we talk about driving more traffic, we all start thinking about the blog traffic tactics.

It somehow impacts your motivation. Have you ever thought about your current blogging strategies? Are they resulting in your expected traffic?

If not then you would really need to follow this traffic generation tips.

Drive More People To Your Brand New Blog

Every beginner has a dream to get 100000 visitors per month but only a few reach on this level. Well, keep your dreams in your eyes and work for them is what successful people say.

There is no majestic trick to boost the traffic but there are a few genuine tips to get more visitors.

#1. Email Marketing Is A Thing

Most of the people are neglecting email marketing and failing to have a better chance to building the loyal visitors. Start gathering your readers’ email and connect with them personally.

It’s always good to have a better email marketing strategy. Though many people bombard with numerous of emails every day.

That’s not what we call a good email marketing strategy. You shouldn’t annoy your subscribers. Start it today and drive more people to your blog.

#2. Social Media Marketing Is The Best You Can Have

No one can neglect the power of social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other platforms can help you drive many people to your blog.

For an average, around 80% of the websites are dependent on the social media platforms. And Google also gives more importance to the social signals.

You should follow some Facebook marketing tips to leverage your business page.

#3. Start Using Yoast SEO Plugin

No doubt that Yoast SEO is one of the best SEO plugins so far. Millions of websites including WPBeginner are using this amazing plugin.

You will learn about content writing and optimize your blog posts for SEO. It consists the SEO monitor along with the readability status checker.

The best part is that you can connect your social accounts with this plugin.

#4. Use Essential SEO Tools

For better SEO results, you should use the SEO tools including the Google keyword planner and other keyword research tools.

Focusing on the keyword research is always the best thing to do. Spending your time on finding the right long tail keyword can get more visitors to your website.

#5. Add Social Sharing Buttons

For every blog post, there should be the social sharing buttons to get your content spread. Make social sharing easy.

Choose a social sharing button tool which is easy to configure. And always remember to add the icons only for the platforms you have strength in.

Many people make a mistake and add all the social sharing buttons which confuse their readers. Five to six platforms are more than enough.

#6. Use Interlinking To Engage More

Whether it’s about maintaining the bounce rate or keeping your readers engaged with more content, interlinking always wins.

Have you ever thought of the benefits of interlinking and why do SEO experts always advice to do so? Well, it increases the overall SEO.

#7. Don’t Forget To Use The Power of Blog Commenting

Blog commenting has always been the best practice to interact with more people. This blogosphere is full of talented bloggers and you should make human bonds with them.

This is one of the best tips to get more visitors to your new blog. You can’t expect to get found. The internet world is widespread and you need to make your presence.

Learn to write quality comments and get noticed by influencers in this competitive world.

#8. Share Your Old Posts

In the race of creating more and more content, most of the bloggers forget about their old posts. To get more exposure, one of the best ideas to share your old content on the social media.

You can repurpose those posts with a little bit of editing. It can help you keep those posts updated. Your readers need the content worth reading whether it’s old or new doesn’t matter.

#9. Use Automation Tools

To keep your social media presence, you should always use the automation social media tools like HootSuite and Buffer.

You can’t remain active 24 hours a day. While you take a rest or sleep, you should schedule a few posts to get shared on the different social media platforms.

#10. Engage With Your Followers On Social Media

People forget about having a conversation with their followers. On Twitter, it’s all about how you interact through retweets and thank the people who share your content.

You shouldn’t underestimate the power of the retweet. Many people are even joining the Twitter chats.

On the platforms like Facebook, you can make thousands of friends and build your business page. There are many Facebook marketing mistakes you should avoid.

#11. Visual Content Always Attracts

In this era of live streaming, people are fond of attractive images and videos. People are more focused on sharing their live streaming videos than simple images.

Create your own unique images using the tools like Canva. Adding Alt Text for images will help you boost the on-page SEO.

#12. Search For More User Engagement Methods.

More your readers engage and stay on your website the more will be the benefit you get from the SEO perspective.

It will help you increase your website’s credibility. You can organize any contest or add polls for any specific post. Providing a freebie always works at its best.

#13. Install Google Analytics

Every website owner needs to monitor the activities of his/her readers. The tools like Google Analytics can help you understand how your audience engage with the content.

You will come to know about your targetted audience. It will help you understand the country, devices of your readers.

#14. Improve Website Speed

The page loading time influences the user experience. The website with more than 3 second page loading time can;t stand.

You should use always use a caching plugin and use the optimized images. Clean up your WordPress database using the plugin like WP-Sweep.

#15. Content Quality Always The First Thing To Notice

You can’t forget what your readers want. Everyone craves to read the quality content. A few beginners try to copy and paste the content from the reputed websites.

They don’t know that Google isn’t dumb as they think. It all results in the Google penalty.

Give your readers to stay. No one can expect a unique piece of the content from the beginners but at least you shouldn’t duplicate it.

Do You Have Any Special Tips To Get More Visitors

People learn with the time and an experience they have is different from everyone else. Everyone has his/her own way to interact with the readers.

Even a single comment can make all the difference. But one thing is common, everyone wants more and more people on their blog.

Do you follow any of the tips to get more visitors? Are you a beginner or a pro? It all starts with the emergence of blogging a few years ago.

People are more interested in building their home business than working at their 9 to 5 job. And a better blog needs more traffic.

I hope you liked this article. You can connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to remain updated.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. That is why I love reading on BloggingLove. Clearly, explains the relevant point. Indeed, the methods you mentioned in the post will direct traffic to your website. Yoast Plugin is really great and all above, it is free to use. There are some features that are available for premium users but still, it gives a lot of great features for free.

    One thing I want to ask is, as you mentioned Site Speed. But when I checked the site speed through Google, it said “try to reduce response time” can you help me in this matter? How to do that? That would be great even if you give me an idea to do that.

    Thanks for the post. Enjoyed the read.

    1. Hey Jayant,

      Yoast SEO plugin is one of the hottest things to talk about. Most of the people are using it for better SEO score.

      And website speed is a kind of techie stuff to deal with. You need to reduce the HTTP requests, use optimized images, less number of plugin and more.

      Check it on GTMetrix and they will show you the things you can do.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Great points here on generating traffic. I’m always playing with different ways and one way is advertising too. Between Facebook ads, Pinterest ads and Twitter ads along with Google ad words we all have many options today available to us.

    I’m always looking to improve my sites speed and recently I had an infographic on one of my posts and I can’t seem to get it to move faster, I’m thinking of removing the infographic all together. Speed today is important today more than ever.

    I do use a plugin to share old posts via tweets and I really like it.

    Thanks for sharing these tips with us Ravi.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Of course, the website speed is considered as one of the major assets of a better SEO. That’s why I have rejected many infographics requests.

      I have tried Facebook ads and that’s really effective if you choose the right audience.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  3. The tips you listed here are amazingly excellent. I also agree to Lisa P Sicard’s suggestion on investing in social ads. This various ad channels have an awesome way if driving traffic to your blog, in that they aim for your target audience.

    Thanks for sharing Ravi.

    1. Moss,

      Lisa is absolutely right. You should definitely try the social ads. Now even Twitter is providing the ad space. You can create an ad and it will be roaming around to get more exposure.

      Though not everyone knows the best way to get it but still, you should try.


  4. Hey Ravi,

    More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits that blogging brings. As a website owner,

    it is very important to get lots of traffic or push hard to get that much. And these tips for generating traffic would really help a lot. Excellent point here.

    I am always playing different ways, email marketing and social media sharing are one of them.

    Thanks for sharing these tips.


    1. Hi Rodney,

      Getting more traffic is what people crave and everyone has something different to try. I have always been a fan of the social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

      The more you drive the traffic, the more you build the authority of your blog.

      Thanks for sharing your ideas.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    All the points you mentioned in the blog post are great but I would like to add one more Content Repurpose. Content repurposing doesn’t take much time.

    You can convert your content into PDF and sharing it PDF sharing sites to bring more visitors to your blog.

    Otherwise, you have well demonstrated the points. Good luck!

    – Umesh Singh

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